Green Beans

It’s harvest time at our house.  I was working on putting green beans away for winter when my daughter asked the “why” question.  It was a good question.  Let’s be honest, for the amount of time involved in prepping a garden, planting, tending, and finally the harvesting and storing that $2.00 bag of frozen green beans at the local grocery store begins to look like a bargain.  So it’s not about saving a buck.  What it is about is knowing where your food came from.  It’s about controlling the quality of what you feed your family.  It’s about connecting with the past and continuing traditions.  It’s about personal fulfillment.

This company and the gear that we design and sell are similar.  The reality is, you can find cheaper ways to carry your stuff.  But at what costs?  Having an Odonata bag is first and foremost about quality, function and durability.  But’s it also about feeling good about where your new bag came from, how it was made, and knowing that you’ve got something that will be around and working for you for a long, long time.

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