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Green Beans

It’s harvest time at our house.  I was working on putting green beans away for winter when my daughter asked the “why” question.  It was a good question.  Let’s be honest, for the amount of time involved in prepping a garden, planting, tending, and finally the harvesting and storing that $2.00 bag of frozen green […]

What’s in a name?

When we created our company we settled on the name “Odonata” because for us, the dragonfly and their relatives, the damselfly represent for us the wild places that we so dearly love.  We were fortunate enough this past week to be in Quetico Provincial Park when the Odonates emerged from the lakes, streams, and wetlands […]

First Quetico trip of the year comes to a close.

Our first trip of the year into Quetico ended this past week.  We had a great week of exploring, fishing, and camaraderie.  In addition, our first portage pack prototype made the trip as well.  It did well and with a few enhancements and another round of testing, it will be ready for our customers.  We will keep you updated on […]

Spring is a time for change…

And so in that spirit, we are developing our ecommerce website.  Please check back soon as we continue the process of creating our project pages and adding payment options.  In addition, we will be tying in all of our social media as well. All that and getting ready for our spring Quetico trip.  Heading in […]

Odonata Made it to the Birkie!

A big congratulations to Craig on another successful and fast Birkie!!  Glad to hear our Race Day Bag kept your skis and poles safe on the bus to Telemark and during the celebrations on Main Street.